Penelope Cruz

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Penelope Cruz Sanchez, famously known as Penelope Cruz was born in Madrin, Spain on April 28, 1974. Daughter of Encarna Sanchez and Eduardo Cruz, Penelope became famous when she appeared in Lucio Villalba video "La Fuerza del Destino" for Spanish group Mecano. Since then, she had some early television in mid-1990's. Penelope also appeared in major films like "Jamon, Jamon" and "Belle Epoque", which is a film that she won on Academy award for foreign language film.

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Penelope Cruz - Hottest Celebrity Penelope Cruz - Hottest Celebrity Penelope Cruz - Hottest Celebrity
Penelope Cruz - Hottest Celebrity Penelope Cruz - Hottest Celebrity Penelope Cruz - Hottest Celebrity
Penelope Cruz - Hottest Celebrity Penelope Cruz - Hottest Celebrity Penelope Cruz - Hottest Celebrity
Penelope Cruz - Hottest Celebrity Penelope Cruz - Hottest Celebrity Penelope Cruz - Hottest Celebrity
Penelope Cruz - Hottest Celebrity Penelope Cruz - Hottest Celebrity

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