Feres Twins - Bia and Branca

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Born on February 22, 1988 in Brazil, Beatriz and Branca Feres are identical twins who represented Brazil in the 2007 Pan-American games in synchronized swimming. Working as models when not in swimming, Bia and Branca have been featured in several magazines including on the cover of VIP magazine. Although, there haven't any confirmed information on wether they were included in the 2008 Beijing Olympics, these twins were still considered as two of the must see hotties in sports today.

Bia and Branca Feres - Worlds Sexiest Athlete Bia and Branca Feres - Worlds Sexiest Athlete Bia and Branca Feres - Worlds Sexiest Athlete
Bia and Branca Feres - Worlds Sexiest Athlete Bia and Branca Feres - Worlds Sexiest Athlete Bia and Branca Feres - Worlds Sexiest Athlete
Bia and Branca Feres - Worlds Sexiest Athlete Bia and Branca Feres - Worlds Sexiest Athlete Bia and Branca Feres - Worlds Sexiest Athlete
Bia and Branca Feres - Worlds Sexiest Athlete Bia and Branca Feres - Worlds Sexiest Athlete Bia and Branca Feres - Worlds Sexiest Athlete
Bia and Branca Feres - Worlds Sexiest Athlete Bia and Branca Feres - Worlds Sexiest Athlete Bia and Branca Feres - Worlds Sexiest Athlete
Bia and Branca Feres - Worlds Sexiest Athlete

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