Christina Aguilera

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Christina Maria Aguilera was born on December 18, 1980 in New York, USA.She lived with her parents until she was seven years old and when Aguilera's perents divorced, her mother took her Pittsburgh. She started her singing career when she appeared on Star Search singing Etta James' "A Sunday Kind of Love" but lost the competition then on KDKA-TV's Wake Up with Larry Richert to perform the same song. Her breakthrough came in 1993 when she joined the Disney Channel's variety show The New Mickey Mouse Club with co-star Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Ryan Gosling and Keri Russell. In 1999, she lunched her self-titled debut album Christina Aquilera which was a world-wide success then followed by her second album Stripped in 2002 and Back to Basics in 2006.

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Christina Aguilera - Sexiest Singer Christina Aguilera - Sexiest Singer Christina Aguilera - Sexiest Singer
Christina Aguilera - Sexiest Singer Christina Aguilera - Sexiest Singer Christina Aguilera - Sexiest Singer
Christina Aguilera - Sexiest Singer Christina Aguilera - Sexiest Singer Christina Aguilera - Sexiest Singer
Christina Aguilera - Sexiest Singer Christina Aguilera - Sexiest Singer Christina Aguilera - Sexiest Singer
Christina Aguilera - Sexiest Singer Christina Aguilera - Sexiest Singer Christina Aguilera - Sexiest Singer
Christina Aguilera - Sexiest Singer Christina Aguilera - Sexiest Singer

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